Ladies don’t have it easy when it comes to finding good fitness websites. Finding a good resource to subscribe to is HARD. Fitness communities are naturally mostly aimed at men. In an effort to balance the playing field, I decided to spend some time and compile a list of the best fitness websites for women. I hope you guys will find this as useful I did when I was starting out.
Fitness Website #1: FitbottomedGirls

Fit Bottomed Girls | Twitter
Fit Bottomed Girls — powered by Jennipher Walters, Erin Whitehead and Kristen Seymour — features multiple weekday posts with fresh fitness content for real women (and even the guys) interested in improving their health and their lives through physical activity and healthy eating, minus the deprivation.
The blog offers tips, workouts, reviews, personal accounts of their exercise endeavors, tidbits on healthy food, workout music suggestions and fitness humor. The FBGs pride themselves on their honest reviews, their inclusive and fun-loving attitude, and aren’t afraid to tell it like it is.
Jenn and Erin met while they were both working for a magazine publishing company in the Kansas City area. They quickly noticed the big similarities in their lives: Both lived in Lawrence, Kansas, while their boyfriends were attending graduate school, and both endured a lengthy 50-minute commute. Once they became carpooling buddies, they realized that not only were they saving the planet one tank of gas at time, but they were also forming a fast and lasting friendship. Among dissecting all aspects of life, from reality TV to their existential crises, fitness was always a topic of conversation on those commutes. Health nut Jenn would keep Erin motivated when workout motivation was lacking, and the two would enjoy noon walks and Zumba classes together.
It wasn’t until Erin sadly moved states away in 2008 that the pair came up with the idea of a fitness blog — effectively marrying their love of fitness with their love of writing.
Just a couple of years after starting the site, Jenn attended a fitness event where she met Kristen, who lives in Florida and was then an editor at an AOL fitness blog. Jenn, Erin and Kristen realized they had a similar attitude when it came to the FBG mission (and awesome 80s and 90s tunes), and soon, Kristen became a regular contributor to FBG before officially joining as an official business partner in 2015.
Fitness Website #2: Lift Like A Girl

Lift Like A Girl | Twitter
Lift Like A Girl is authored by Nia Shanks – a writer and coach, and leader of the Lift Like a Girl revolution. She helps women discover and reach their potential through an empowering approach to health, fitness, and life.
Apart from authoring Lift Like a Girl, Nia also hosts The Nia Shanks Show – the podcast dedicated to helping you reach your health and fitness goals and become the most awesome version of yourself.
Nia’s philosophy revolves around sane and simple principles when it comes to nutrition and strength training and her main goal is to help YOU achieve your health, fitness, and physique goals the sane and simple way so you can maintain those results long-term.
Above all else Nia believes every woman should strive to be the best, most awesome version of herself – authentically and unapologetically.
And so you can see Nia is a real person, here’s a random picture of her drinking a martini and lifting 330 pounds.
Fitness Website #3: Girls Gone Strong | Twitter
Together, Girls Gone Strong work toward one common purpose: to provide women with evidence-based, body-positive information and use a united voice to silence the fear-mongering multi-billion dollar weight-loss industry and mainstream media who prey on women’s insecurities for profit.
We envision a world full of women who strive to be more, not less.
Girls Gone Strong is fighting back against the $64 billion-a-year weight loss industry telling us we should be less instead of more. These corporations (often run by men on Wall Street) prey on women’s insecurities for profit. They want us to believe that there is something wrong with our bodies, that only their pill, powder, or gadget can fix.
There is an entire industry out there…
- trying to box us into a cookie-cutter look, style, size, and shape.
- picking apart women’s bodies, fashion sense, and lifestyle choices.
- saying strong women look like men.
- hell-bent on convincing us that we are too short, too tall, too fat, too thin, too strong, too weak, too bitchy, too aggressive, too manly, too slutty, too prudish, too loud, too big, too different, or too basic.
We believe there is no wrong way to have a body, and what is “right” for you is entirely up to you.
We believe every woman is enough just as she is, and the ultimate way to empower her is to give her the space to make all of the decisions she wants about her body and her life, without judgment.
Fitness Website #4: Neghar Fonooni

Neghar Fonooni | | Twitter
As a coach, speaker, and writer, Neghar Fonooni gives women all over the world tools to create a lifestyle that thrills them, free of shame and unworthiness.
I teach women to love their bodies and empower their lives.
I help them give themselves permission to be vulnerable, authentic, and fully alive.
I’ve worked as a personal trainer and fitness coach for over 15 years, served as an Arabic linguist in the United States Air Force, have been writing since I was eight years old, and birthed a witty and hilarious baby boy ten years ago. My central focus is to help empower women through strength and bring wild and warm energy wherever I go.
Fitness Website #5: Run to the finish

Run to the Finish || Twitter
Run to the Finish is authored by Amanda C Brooks – and is a great fitness blog for those who are looking to become more active runners. See what she says about her blog.
I’ve always had a passion for being active, but it wasn’t always a love affair with running or vegetables! It’s a journey that I’ve taken and now I’m sharing the years of mistakes, tips and motivation that have made it a lifestyle I love.
In fact, that drive to enjoy more of each day is why we recently packed up and moved from Florida to Denver. The outdoor lifestyle and the opportunity to explore more have myself and my more adrenaline fueled husband thrilled for the adventure.
I know what it’s like to fake knee pain to get out of running or hear someone say they crave vegetables and think they are batty! That’s why I’m sharing my story, clean eating recipes, workout ideas, running tips, motivation, expert interviews, travel, adventure, joy and LIFE all of which is geared to help:
Fitness Website #6: Fit and Feminist

Fit & Feminist |
Follow along with Caitlin as she races across the U.S and shares a uniquely feminist perspective on fitness, racing & life.
Welcome! My name is Caitlin Constantine, and I do most of the writing on this blog. I started this blog in 2011 because I was really getting into fitness and health, and yet I kept encountering all of these things that made the feminist in me go “Whaaaa?” .
What’s more – I didn’t feel like I saw too many people writing about fitness from a feminist perspective. And with that, this blog was born.
By profession and education I am a journalist, and I work as a digital media producer for a TV news station in the Tampa Bay area, which means that I am one of those people who gets paid to write about Florida Man. My work has appeared in, Greatist, Bitch, Jezebel and Huffington Post – you can read more about that here. I’ve also been writing and publishing zines for over a decade.
Fitness Website #7: MilePosts

MilePosts | | Twitter
Dorothy Beal of Mile Posts is a marathoner and mother sharing her success story with the world. Previously overweight and miserable, Beal turned her life around with running and has gone on to be on the cover of magazines and coach other women to follow in her footsteps. With blog content ranging from upbeat playlists to running with a stroller, runners of all backgrounds can take a leaf out of Beal’s virtual book.
I’m a runner with a soft spot for the marathon. I wasn’t always a runner though….I, like many others, hated running, till one day it just clicked, and it went from something I did to lose the literal and emotional weight, to something that I do because I love it.
I’ve run 31 marathons since 2003 taking my time from a 4:20 to a 3:11. I’m a certified Road Runners Club of America and USATF Level 1 certified running coach. Once upon a time I worked for Brooks Running and Moving Comfort. Those jobs ignited a passion in me that turned running in to a career. Running is my profession you could say, I’m just not a professional runner
Fitness Website #8: Precision Nutrition

Precision Nutrition | | Twitter
The Precision Nutrition blog is all about calling out claims made in the fitness industry and investigating their true worth. Questions like ‘Will skipping breakfast really make you fat?’ (verdict’s still out on this one) and ‘What to eat before and after exercise’ are answered in detail with comprehensive scientific support. And don’t think you needed to take biol at school to get it; when you see how much power this knowledge offers (say, seeing through fanciful claims in the fitness industry and burning fat faster), you’ll force your head to circumnavigate the science.
Precision Nutrition helps people transform their lives through expert coaching, ongoing support, and guided mentorship.
Over the last 12 years, through our Men’s and Women’s coaching programs, our elite coaches have helped 35,000 men and women lose over 450,000 pounds of body fat and lead healthier lives.
We approach coaching by listening to our clients’ needs and what they want to accomplish, learning how they live, discovering what’s really important to them, and working together to create the right nutrition and exercise approach based on their goals and lifestyle.
Then we coach them through the process, helping with the inevitable roadblocks along the way to success.
Fitness Website #9: Mind Body Green

Mind Body Green | | Twitter
With over 12 million monthly uniques, mindbodygreen is one of the Internet’s most popular destinations for all things health and wellness. Chock-full of first-person articles about everything from DIY apple cider vinegar to a divorce lawyer’s secrets to a lasting marriage, the publisher provides pitch-perfect narratives that complement other confessional topic sites like hellogiggles and xoJane.
mindbodygreen is a lifestyle media brand dedicated to inspiring you to live your best life.
To that end, we want to give you everything that’s great for you: mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally, and environmentally — because we believe these pillars of wellness are vital and interconnected. Hence mindbodygreen (one word, not three).
We bring together leaders in the wellness world, best-selling authors, fitness experts, trusted healers, pioneering doctors, top chefs, celebrities, and top-tier journalists to give you the freshest, most in-the-know content and tools to help you live your healthiest, happiest life.
Fitness Website #10: Comeback Momma

Comeback Momma | | Twitter
Jean Mitchell shares her quest to be more fit, stylish, fun & family focused.
After successfully losing over 50 post-baby pounds and rebounding from post-partum depression twice, I became a successful blogger and personal trainer. Unfortunately, after an injury in late 2011, my anxiety and depression returned. I gained 20 pounds, quit training and blogging.
I kept myself completely sheltered for nearly a year. I felt ashamed that I could not “make” myself better. Luckily, with the help of a wonderful doctor and therapist, I am back on the right path toward health and happiness.
I created Comeback Momma to share information about the things that help me be the best women, wife, and mother I can be. My goal is to inspire other women to constantly strive to find the best within themselves. Besides blogging, I enjoy travel, meeting new people, hiking, movies, photography, making my kids laugh, and my morning cup of tea.
Fitness Website #11: A Nutritionist Eats

A Nutritionist Eats | | Twitter
Emily from has one of the most fingerlickin-tasty looking blogs out there. She focused on (mostly) healthy recipes, tips for healthy living – and a good sprinkle of randomness from her life.
In early 2009 I started toying around with the idea of starting a blog. I wanted to share recipes, nutrition and health tips and new exciting foods that I try with my friends and family. Now I’m an obsessed blogger. Looking back at old posts is hilarious as they are awful! I hope you can laugh at them too.
So what do I do? I’m not a practicing Nutritionist. I started my career in the natural food industry – Marketing and am currently the Communications Manager for an anti-hunger nonprofit called MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger. I really love Communications and Marketing. Who knows what I’ll be doing “when I grow up.”
Fitness Website #12: Sarah Remmer

Sarah Lesley || Twitter
Sarah Remmer is a registered dietitian, mommy and freelance writer. She has a lovely blog about healthy eating, specifically geared at children. I would highly recommend it to anyone with a child!
I’m a new-mom (when do you stop being a ‘new-mom’?) who is attempting to raise a healthy and independent eater. I’ve discovered the challenges of picky eating and the joys of a glass of wine, all at the same time. I believe that nutrition and eating should be fun. My goal is to help simplify the feeding process and to present nutrition information in a real and easy way to understand.
Prior to focusing on pediatric and family nutrition, I practiced in the areas of chronic disease prevention and healthy weight loss. I’m a member of the College of Dietitians of Alberta and a certified Craving Change expert (almost!) who uses motivational and problem-solving techniques to help clients reach their nutrition goals.
In my spare time (aka ‘in my dreams’) I enjoy reading and rock climbing, but mainly spending time with my family.
Fitness Websites for Women #13: Talking To Teens

Talking To Teens |
Talking to teens, a website owned by Andy Earle, tackles different topics that mainly focus on teen’s behavior and how to improve the communication of parents to their children.
Andy hosts a podcast, writes blogs, and coaches parents about the different behavioral teen issues and parenting issues.
Andy Earle started this website in the hope to help more parents understand and handle their growing children well through his podcasts, blogs, and coaching.
In his podcasts, he interviews top authors and experts about topics like helping teenage girls create healthy habits, puberty and body changes, improving connections, raising successful people, and more.
He shares the same topics in his blog articles for those who prefer reading than listening. At the same time, he coaches parents on the best methods to effectively communicate with their teens.
What do you think? Do you think there are any blogs or websites that you think should be on this list? Add a comment below and I’ll be sure to include them.