Are you searching for a way to strip fat quickly while on a vegan diet? If so, you’re in the right place.
It can be tough to find the right fat burning product for you, so today I’m going to be showing off a few of my personal top products.
Best Overall OUR #1 RATED LeanBean | |
OUR #2 RATED PhenQ | |
OUR #3 RATED Performance Lab Fat Burner | |
OUR #4 RATED Burn XT | |
OUR #5 RATED Lean PM |
1. Best Overall: Lean Bean
Lean Bean is an organic fat burner formulated specifically for the fairer sex. The product calls itself the “number 1 choice” for female athletes, using an all-natural weight loss formula.
I’ve been using the product myself religiously after having been recommended it by a client who was sick of the failures of largely male orientated products.
I’ve seen massive progress for myself that I can only attest to the fact that it’s been so specifically designed for purpose.
It provides an energy boost meaning I have better endurance at the gym and my metabolic rate is raised even when resting.
One bottle of Leanbean contains 180 capsule, which is good for one month. Each capsule has 3000mg of Glucomannan, which is the recommended amount per day.
Watch this video review to learn more:
Shipping worldwide, there are plenty of reviews to go off of. Lots of the women using this product have praised itt, saying that they have seen great results in as little as one month. Others have said that the product has helped them gain control over meal portions and stop overeating.
It has 3000mg of Glucomannan and it’s approved for weight loss in the European Union. It’s also recommended to take 6 capsules per day: 2 during breakfast, lunch, and dinner, respectively.
Leanbean is also our recommended supplement in our Best Fat Burners for Women article.
2. PhenQ
PhenQ is a weight loss, fat burning supplement, which on their website pride themselves on having over 190,000 satisfied customers.
The ingredients used in PhenQ are all-natural, and also include scientific studies to back up the claims that they help burn body fat.
Customers and testimonials seem to prove the studies shown on PhenQ’s website, with some claiming the product gives you a good energy boost and others seeing weight loss results from 4 to 9 weeks.
Bauer Group, who formulated PhenQ claim that the product can assist weight loss in 5 ways, by burning fat, stopping fat production to prevent weight gain, suppressing your appetite, boosting your energy levels and improving your mood.
3. Performance Lab Fat Burner
Coming in at $50 per bottle, Performance Lab’s Fat Burner is a product that claims to use only the highest quality ingredients. Performance Lab claims to have done extensive research and tests to formulate a natural supplement that helps burn fat.
Reviewers have claimed that the product helps suppress appetite and boost energy at the same time, allowing you to eat less, workout more, and burn the fat away.This specific supplement is caffeine-free and is aimed generally towards those doing sports and high-intensity workouts.
I know the product well with it being the favorite of one of my colleagues who absolutely swears by it. Being a dietician himself he backs up the claims that it has one of the best formulas and loves that they don’t hide behind proprietary blends.
Because the product is specifically designed to be used in conjunction with regular exercise it’s no surprise that those using it normally see fantastic results relatively quickly.
4. Burn XT
Burn XT is arguably one of the better-known brands out there when it comes to natural fat burners. The product claims to be able to burn body fat, increase energy, preserve lean muscle, curb hunger, boost metabolism and improve your mood all at the same time, by using what they call the “most powerful fat-burning ingredients available”.
Customers are claiming that they have had “amazing results” when using this product alongside a healthy diet that includes protein and an active lifestyle. One customer claimed to see big results as early as 6 weeks, losing 25 pounds.
Some customers who were wary about the thermogenic properties within Burn XT were surprised to find that it made them feel more energized and ready for the next workout.
5. Lean PM
Lean PM is a standout product within the fat burner product range, this particular product is for those of us that may have trouble sleeping and want to burn fat at the same time.
Much like other fat burning products, Lean PM is an all-natural product that uses highly bioavailable ingredients to promote weight loss. Unlike most others, however, Lean PM does not contain any stimulants at all.
People who have purchased Lean PM have said they experience much better sleep when using this product and wake up in the morning feeling refreshed.
Although inherently a nighttime supplement, it should, of course, be used along with a healthy lifestyle and a regular workout schedule. Some customers even claiming that the product made a difference in half a month.
6. Genius Burn
Genius Burn is a fat burning supplement that claims to also help improve memory, focus, and mental clarity. This product uses 9 trademarked ingredients in their specially formulated blend to assist in burning fats.
3 of those ingredients, cognizin, alphasize and teacrine attribute towards mental improvements highlighted above. Teacrine, in particular, is a replacement for caffeine in this product, reducing the chances of habits being formed.
Customers seem mostly pleased with it, one person claiming that they lost 9 pounds in one month with no side effects at all.

As this product is a thermogenic product, it’s always best to drink water with this. Other customers claimed that the product is overpriced and had no helpful effect at all.
7. BN Natural Fat Burner
The BN Natural Fat Burner is a highly acclaimed product aimed at men and women who are athletically focussed. The supplement includes a dose of milk thistle (200mg) which acts as a natural detox for the body, which works alongside the other all-natural ingredients included.
The supplement claims to reduce cortisol, which is the hormone that causes our bodies to hold onto excess fat, meaning that the product fights fats on all sides.
Customers purchasing this product appeared pleasantly pleased when they said they felt less bloated when using this product than other supplements on the market.

However, a few reviews claimed to have experienced serious side effects such as inflammation around the tongue, which took place after a week of use.
8. Nutra Leaf Vegan Fat Burner
Nutra Leaf comes to the market at a $39.95 price tag. This particular fat-burning vegan fat burner contains ketones and electrolytes to promote weight loss and curb cravings and appetite.
The ingredients used are of course all-natural and is completely gluten free. The electrolytes used in this fat burner are an added benefit to using the product as they promote hydration while working with the keytones helping the product break down fat more effectively.

Customers who purchased this product have said that in as little as two days, their appetite curbed and their energy had been boosted, one customer even claiming that it gives a better buzz than coffee. While some customers claimed the taste and texture of the product seems chalky and bitter.
Do Fat Burners Really Work?

To answer this question you really must look at the ingredients included in all basic fat burners and see how they individually affect the body. However, there are many different reasons why they could work for you, but not someone else attempting to get the same results.
Fat burners, most of the time are more effective in people who are more lean, rather than obese. This is because the fat that a supplement would help burn is burnt as fuel, meaning that a healthy lifestyle alongside a healthy diet containing protein is extremely important to achieving your goals.
It’s recommended that before using a supplement to help with burning fat that you achieve the right lifestyle and diet, including regular exercise and plenty of protein. This will not only help the chosen supplement get to work burning active fat, but will also put you well on your way to achieving the long term goals you are looking for.
Many dietitians and fitness experts believe that, although the supplements do work, weight loss can often be achieved without them. Through improving your lifestyle, including more exercise and being determined, weight loss can be effectively achieved. Remember, it’s not a race.
A well-balanced, nutritious diet and regular exercise can help kickstart your body’s natural fat burning ability, which is a much healthier weight loss option.
Kayla Itsines
Australian Personal Trainer
How Do Fat Burners Work?
Fat burners, when used alongside a healthy lifestyle, can assist with more than just weight loss. To answer how they work is no secret.
Most supplements that you see on the market today have two fundamental pillars of effect.
The first of these two pillars is how exactly the supplement promotes fat loss, this is done through boosting your metabolism.
Fat burning products usually do this through an effect known as thermogenic fat burning. Thermogenics work by burning calories in a way that causes your body temperature to rise. (1)

Once your body temperature has risen from the burning of calories, your metabolic rate and calorie burn rate will be higher. Thus equalling in excess fat being burnt, promoting weight loss.
The second way that these supplements help with weight loss is through appetite control. This is often done through added ingredients, often those of capsaicinoids and capsinoids, which are found in chili and cayenne peppers. (2) These two compounds promote energy intake and reduce appetite, assisting in weight loss by stopping you from snacking.
What Are The Benefits Of Using Fat Burners?

The benefits of using fat burners, can at times seem endless. Once you’ve done your research and see the real benefits, it’s really quite amazing to see the multiple ways these supplements can help you.
However, these supplements are generally aimed at athletic types who are already partaking in a healthy and active lifestyle. This is simply because the supplements are more effective when used alongside exercise and a good diet.
The supplements are there to assist with weight loss, but can also be used to boost energy and help with snacking.
If you are an active person, who exercises regularly and runs on a healthy diet yet still runs into these issues, don’t worry, it’s common. The fat burning supplement products we’ve reviewed here today may be able to help you.
What Are The Side Effects Of Fat Burners?
Side effects in fat burners are often relatively uncommon, but they can pop up from time to time and sometimes be rather unpleasant.
Generally, you will find that side effects are most common in thermogenic supplements. It’s always recommended to drink plenty of water while using them. The side effects you may find with thermogenic supplements can include headaches, nausea, diarrhea, constipation and abdominal pain.
Often also included in these supplements is caffeine, which in high doses can cause headaches, restlessness, anxiety and in rare cases heart palpitations. (3) These two things can also cause a small increase in blood pressure, so it is not recommended to use them if you already have blood pressure issues.
Further serious side effects have been recorded, but are rare.

Some scientific studies created a correlation between thermogenic supplements and inflammation within the intestinal tract, which can sometimes, if serious enough, require surgery.
Although side effects are less common, it’s always recommended to do research before purchasing a product and be cautious.

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My #1 Recommended Vegan Fat Burner
In conclusion, although there are many good vegan supplements for burning fat on the market, the best all-round product we have reviewed today has to be LeanBean.
It has all the ingredients and compounds that make a great and effective fat burning supplement while providing a 90-day money back guarantee for customers.
Athletes all over the world appear to be getting strong results with Lean Bean and that’s why it’s our favorite product. Take a look at the product here.