How to lose weight? This question is on the mind of every woman and more men than they would want to admit.
Most people want to lose weight because they want to reach a certain beauty standard, to look like their favorite celebrities. Leaving aside the aesthetic part, having a normal weight has many health benefits.
Nowadays we are so overwhelmed by information and all sorts of new trendy diets, that it is difficult to know how to lose weight in a healthy way, without starving yourself or feeling miserable.
Determined to provide you the best info we reached out to 25 fitness and health experts and we asked them the following question:
What Are Your Three Best Tips for Losing Weight?
We received answers from trusted experts, that shared tips regarding diet, exercising, and different tricks that will help you improve your daily habits and lifestyle.
Allison Jackson Fitness
1. Track your food in MyFitnessPal (or any other free tracking app)
What gets measured gets managed. To lose weight, you need to use more calories than you take in. Start tracking to get a baseline, then reduce that amount by 10%. (Don’t cut your calories drastically to 1,000. Your body will go into starvation mode.)
2. Start weight training and do cardio 2-3x per week
You lose muscle as you age. Weight training not only builds muscles, but it also protects your joints and prevents injuries. Limit cardio to 2-3 times per week for heart health. You’ll want to rotate steady-state cardio with high-intensity interval training. Cardio sessions should be 20 min. (HIIT) to 30 min. (slow and steady). Do cardio that you enjoy so it’s not torture!
3. Drink lots of water.
Water helps with the weight loss process and ensures that you don’t retain water. It sounds counter-intuitive, but it’s true. If your body is constantly getting more water, it won’t hold onto it. In addition, drinking water keeps your belly full.
Rachel Scott – Rachel Yoga
Folks, through the years, I’ve done all the diets: grapefruit, paleo, keto, atkins, vegan, cabbage soup. And the problem with dieting is that most weight loss tips and tricks are really about addressing symptoms rather than the cause: the diets are short term solutions that don’t address the way that we actually relate to food.
Changing the way that we eat is challenging because we often use food as a tool for changing how we feel. Now, using food as medicine is normal, but we want to do it in a sustainable and wholesome way. And remember: a healthy relationship with our food starts by remembering that we’re not “bad” and we don’t need to be fixed.
Here are my three tips for cultivating a sustainable relationship with food that will help you find a sustainable and healthy weight.
1. Don’t Eat Your Feelings.
We often use food as a quick fix for our emotional state. Feeling bad? Have some sugar! Feeling tired? Add some caffeine! Need to relax? Have a drink. I get it, I am the caffeine queen!
But before you reach for the donut, pause and take five deep breaths. Are you really hungry? If you are, then definitely have a snack. But if you’re not, then look for other ways that you may change your emotional state.
Need some energy? Consider a dance party. Tired? Consider a nap. Generally grouchy? Get outside for a walk.
Food may be the easy fix, but these other strategies can help you feel better – without guilt.
2. Slow Down When You Eat
I have an old habit of hoovering my food. It stems from my college days when I would cram eating into the spare five minutes between classes as I ran across the quad! So when I sit to eat, I will rush if I’m not paying attention and gobble up my meal without tasting it.
So before you begin to eat, pause. Take five deep breaths. Close your eyes. And as you do, take a moment to practice gratitude for your food. Thank the animals, the plants, the farmers, the chef – whatever brought this meal to your table. And when you do open your eyes, eat slowly. Savor each morsel.
Chew your food thoroughly and eat slowly. Not only will this help you stop eating when you are truly full, but you will also enjoy your food a whole lot more.
3. Move Every Day.
It doesn’t matter what kind of movement you do: walk, do yoga, bike, do squats, or have a personal dance party. But find 20 minutes every day that you can move your body.
If we’re not paying attention, we can get stuck behind a desk, sitting as we drive our cars, then laid out on our couches watching Neftlix. Movement is essential for health. Make a brisk walk or movement break part of your day.
Sarah Ray – Volt Athletics
Because the fitness industry is so cluttered with noise and splashy headlines just meant to grab your clicks, leveraging science-backed advice guarantees your efforts will pay off in the form of weight loss, improved well-being and a better quality of life. My top 3 tips for adults looking to lose weight are:
1. Change your eating habits.
This doesn’t have to be a full diet overhaul- simply make one small change at a time. We all know that we SHOULD have a salad instead of fries; that we SHOULD eat something for breakfast; that sugar ISN’T the best thing for us.
Take a thoughtful look at your regular eating habits and identify ONE way to be better. Maybe it’s swapping your venti mocha and high sugar greek yogurt breakfast for a plain latte and an egg scramble with veggies. Maybe it’s omitting the nightly serving of ice cream. Maybe it’s adding a vegetable to every lunch and dinner.
By focusing on these small achievable goals, your nutrition habits will improve over time, leaving you with a lasting, sustainable change that will lead to weight loss in the long run.
You can cut your calories all you want, or spend hours on the treadmill pounding out the miles, but until you add resistance training to your program, you will not get the look you are striving for with your weight loss goals.
Studies show that weight lifting improves your metabolism by increasing your resting metabolic rate (the stronger you get, the more you get to eat to support that muscle!).
Plus, muscle takes up less space than fat, strengthens bones and connective tissue and makes you more resilient against injury.
3. Sleep more.
Research shows that lack of sleep makes your body retain fat, affects all the hormones that pertain to fat retention, food cravings, and self-control (cortisol, ghrelin, leptin, and orexin), and decreases your insulin sensitivity. 7-9 hours of quality, uninterrupted sleep should be your goal.
Optimize your bedroom for better sleep by making it like a cave: cool (65-72*), dark (black-out shades, no lights from clocks or electronics) quiet (earplugs or a white noise fan), and comfortable.
Nicole Glor – NikkiFitness
My three best tips for losing weight are:
1. FVW- fruit veggies and water!
Smoothie in the morning, salad for lunch, apples and nuts for snacks, sensible dinner of veggies and fish – go as vegan as you can during the day and lean protein at night with veg. Fiber from this kind of eating will have you very regular (flat belly)
2. Cross-train and two-a-days:
Do cardio and weights and alternate workouts but don’t plan a skip day because they will happen out of your control anyway. My videos are a good quick multitasking HIIT combo. If taking a class/video do the treadmill or run outside first.
Do weights or cardio in the morning and power yoga at night. If you can work out twice without eating twice as much you will lose weight.
3. Portion control and timing
Use small plates, don’t eat 3 hrs before bed, small snacks all day so you are never on empty which is when you make bad food choices.
Robert Herbst –
The best way to lose weight is to raise your metabolism by lifting weights. You should perform compound movements such as Squats, Lunges, Deadlifts, and Bench Press which use the major muscle groups.
These elevate the metabolism for 48 to 72 hours afterward as the body repairs microtears to the muscle fibers that occurred during the exercise and builds new muscle in anticipation of even heavier loads in the future (which is why you should increase the weight or number of reps or sets from workout to workout).
That new muscle is metabolically active and burns calories even when you are at rest, so your metabolism will be even higher.
Also, by stressing your spine and long bones, lifting weights improves your bone density and your body burns more calories as it builds bone. With all that new muscle, you are stronger and better able to enjoy sports and perform daily activities so it is a win win all around.
Franklin Antoian – iBodyFit
My 3 top tips for weight loss are:
1. Adjust your caloric intake so that it aligns with your goal weight.
You can expect to lose 1lbs per week with a 500-day caloric deficit and 2lbs per week with a 1000 daily calories deficit.
2. Add weight training to your fitness routine.
Weight training helps build muscle, which helps you burn more calories per day. Weight training burns about 300 calories per hr sessions, plus another 50 to 100 after your session.
3. Have patience.
Safe weight loss can seem slow (5-10lbs per month) but it’s the most effective and safe way to keep the weight off.
Jaya Jaya Myra
As someone who recently underwent her own weight loss journey, I have a lot of valuable information about what worked, what didn’t and why. For several years I found myself yo-yo-ing in a 15-pound block of weight that would come and go, despite my best efforts.
What finally worked for me was switching my perspective and eliminating the common weight loss myths from my vocabulary. Here are my three top tips for helping you successfully lose that weight for good, and keep it off, as I have.
Focus on diet first, fitness second. There are many reasons for this.
1. Contrary to popular belief, you can’t really work out enough to eliminate that 700 calorie piece of cake you just ate. There is no way to mask overeating the wrong types of foods. People often think that if they work out they can reward themselves, but we as humans always underestimate the number of calories in food, on average by at least 30%!
2. Focus on what you’re eating in terms of caloric intake and the quality of food should be your foundation when trying to lose weight. Adding in calorie-light foods (like grapes, fresh fruit, fresh vegetables) can help you feel fuller sooner so that you’re not eating as many calorie-dense foods. For example, 1 cup of grapes has about 62 calories and a cup of almonds has nearly 530 calories. Yikes! Both are healthy, but one will help your weight loss efforts more than the other.
3. Minimize stress and promote mind-body harmony.
Stress affects hormone regulation in the body and can increase cortisol, the stress hormone, causing you to hold onto weight no matter what else you’re doing right. It can also affect your hunger and satiety hormones, so keep stress at a distance.
Once you’re doing these things, you’ll find moderate exercise is a good way to feel less hungry and boost your mood. It’s supplementary to your efforts for sure, but can’t be looked at as the primary way you’ll lose weight.
Too much exercise will spike hunger levels, causing you to eat more than you normally would, and likely gaining weight from it. Just by switching your perspective to food and away from exercise, you’ll see huge shifts.
And if you need a bit of help and motivation along the way, check out the Noom app. It’s a great resource in changing your lifestyle and habits naturally.
Silvestro Musumeci – Weight Loss King
1. Learn how to do what you say will do no matter what.
You will lose weight when you learn how to follow through on what you say will do. You need to practice that FIRST before you start committing to a tuna salad. When tuna salad ¬me comes you’ll be ready and WILLING instead of scared and feeling restrictive and deprived.
2. Learn how to THINK about what you will eat instead of just going into each meal hoping and wishing you will “do better.”
Most of us are overweight because we spend too much -me thinking about food and getting obsessed instead of planning what we will eat.
3. Learn you can always make a better choice.
Diets teach us to radically change and go too hard too fast which will not last long-term. This is WRONG. You need to learn how to evolve a little into the healthy version of you step by step.
That’s how you create healthy habits instead of being someone who is forcing themselves to be healthy and quitting in exhaustion and yoyo dieting.
Morgan Balavage – Splendid.Yoga
1. Drink Water
More water. No, more than that. Are you hungry? Drink water first. Maybe you’re just bored? Drink the water, all the water, friends. Is the water too boring? Throw some mint leaves and a slice of cucumber in there. With alkaline water? Omg, y’all – heaven.
2. Keep a snack around
Do you know what happens to me when I get hungry? I will eat ANYTHING that is around me – and that’s when I’m going to eat the things that aren’t going to make me feel great (preferably crisps and peanut butter pretzels).
I started keeping small bags of trail mix in my car and my purses to have a perfectly portioned protein-heavy snack to quell the hunger monster.
3. Get busy
Be busy. Find your purpose and pursue it relentlessly. Your perfect weight will find you when you stop focusing so much on your body and more on what your body can do. Take it for a walk. Try a new workout class.
Write that book you’ve been meaning to write. Volunteer at your local shelter. Be so busy that you are fueling yourself just to be able to live your life, rather than living from meal to meal.
Nicolle Harwood-Nash – The Workout Digest
The fastest way to lose weight is to cut calories without feeling hungry while moving more or engaging in workouts. The following tips will change your outlook on food and exercise:
1. Eat more vegetables and protein and fewer carbohydrates.
You can cut back on bread and pastries, as well as rice, noodles, and pasta. Instead of carbohydrates, you can substitute green leafy vegetables. For variety, you can add more fish to your diet.
2. Active exercise.
Working out for an hour, three times a week, can help you lose weight fast. You can work out on the treadmill, engage in dance exercises, aerobic classes, and spinning. Weight lifting, yoga, pilates, jogging, and other activities also burn calories and develop muscles.
3. Walk more.
These include walking two or three blocks instead of taking a taxi or ride-sharing. Walking up flights of stairs instead of taking the elevator can also contribute to weight loss.
At work, you can take a break from your desk and walk around every hour.
Walking away from the desk can also lessen eye strain, as well as help prevent repetitive strain injuries to your wrist. Scheduled walking during work hours also allows you to think about your task, which leads to better productivity.
Hannah Faulkner – Half Moon Yoga And Art
1. Vinyasa Yoga can offer all the fat-burning potential and heart benefits of an aerobic workout that also builds strength, balance, and flexibility.
But unlike other workout methods, yoga focuses on finding unity within the mind, body, and spirit.
Taking deep, conscious breaths throughout the exercise and each day can allow us to slow down mentally and decipher our emotional impulses. When this unity is achieved on a daily level, the body will find its ideal weight.
2. Eating and drinking clean food such as a Whole Foods Plant-Based-Diet, free from animal products and processed foods, eliminates toxins that create stress and disease in your body. Making small changes to everyday meals is one of the easiest ways to bring more lightness into your body. Some people start by removing meat or dairy one day a week and go from there. Others try changing one daily meal at a time
3. Practice a form of fasting to cleanse.
Fasting is the key to boosting our immune system and detoxifying our body, not just physically, but also emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
Through a fast, we can develop self-discipline as we learn how to step away from the downward spiral of desire. Intermittent fasting has worked for me.
In this practice, I only eat between eleven in the morning and six in the evening. This form of spiritual discipline also shrinks the appetite, so when I do allow myself to eat, I don’t consume as many calories.
James Shapiro – Primal Power Fitness
My top three tips are:
Make sure you’re in a caloric deficit, track your macronutrients, ensure you have at least 7-8 hours of sleep.
No matter what exercise routine you choose to engage in, to lose weight you need to be in a caloric deficit.
Having a higher protein intake and controlling your carb and fat intake will ensure consistency.
Sleep is more important as the quantity and quality will reduce stress and cortisol levels, which contribute to the retention of fat.
Meghan Kennihan – Train With Meghan
Here are my tips to lose weight
1. Eat a high protein breakfast
This reduces cravings because you are more satiated leading to less caloric intake throughout the day.
2. Avoid DRINKING your calories.
Skip the sugary drinks and fruit juices they are basically just carb/sugar bombs that will spike your blood sugar and make you hungry faster.
3. Drink water before your meals.
Drinking water throughout the day and especially 30 minutes before your meals makes you feel full and keeps you from overeating at mealtime.
Tim Liu Fitness
These are the three best tips I have for losing weight:
1. Track your calories
Most of us don’t know how much food we’re actually taking in. By tracking all that you eat and drink, you find out your exact intake, build awareness, and will also make you clean up your diet.
2. Get enough sleep
A lot of people aren’t getting enough hours of sleep. When you’re sleep-deprived, your metabolism slows down and your food cravings go up, which can lead to gaining more fat. Getting enough sleep prevents that and helps us with our weight loss journey and overall health. Try to get at least 7 hours per night.
3. Drink enough water
Many of us aren’t drinking enough water, period. When we’re dehydrated, we end up mistaking thirst for hunger, our gym performance goes down, as well as our cognitive function. Being properly hydrated keeps our metabolism healthy and improves our workout performance. Drink at least half of your bodyweight in ounces each day to improve your health.
Adam Kemp Fitness
There are hundreds of ways to lose weight. Whether it is diet, exercise, supplements, or lifestyle changes, everyone can lose a bit more weight in a variety of ways. However, I like to always try to give people advice that is practical and can fit with anyone’s lifestyle.
1. Walk daily
My favorite tip for helping people to lose weight is to start your morning with a 30-45 minute walk on an empty stomach, drinking only water or tea. Intermittent fasting is becoming more and more popular, but it’s not for everyone.
However, nearly everyone can wake up a little bit earlier for a quick “fasted” walk, which will help them burn extra calories, improve their digestive system, and start the morning with a clear head.
2. Drink more green or oolong tea.
Both green and oolong tea have been scientifically proven to assist with weight loss, and it is easy to add a few extra cups into your day.
These teas will help improve your ability to digest food and help stop your body from absorbing food into body fat.
3. Add High-Intensity Interval Training into your weekly routine.
HIIT will help you burn a lot of calories in the short-term, and it will also improve your overall level of conditioning and the amount of lean muscle mass on your body, which will help you with long-term physique development goals as well.
Dachs – Bunny’s Home Care
You don’t need to go through hunger pangs when you want to lose weight. These simple tips will help you lose weight without even trying:
1. Quit snacking between meals.
Donuts and pastries at a coffee shop add up to a significant number of calories and sugar. If you have cravings, you can have a banana, an orange, or an apple for a snack.
2. Switch to tea or lemon water instead of soda.
Soda contains sugar and empty calories, while tea and lemon water have low calories. Avoid flavored, processed water, and energy drinks as these also contain sugars and artificial flavoring.
Avoid processed fruit juices because of the extra sugar. At the gym, drinking plain water is still the best way to hydrate. You should drink more than eight glasses of water daily.
3. Eat a heavy breakfast, regular lunch, and light supper.
Eating more in the morning and tapering off during the day would spread the caloric content for use when you need it most.
The caloric intake from breakfast is burned up through most of the day. Most of the food you eat at night is not used up and is stored as fat when you sleep.
Gina DiNapoli – JABS by Gina
1. A huge part of finding the motivation to achieve your fitness goals is the mental game. Ask yourself daily: “What have I done today to get me closer to my goal?” Do minimally ONE thing a day to get you closer to your goals, whether that’s eating a healthy breakfast, going for a walk or trying a new workout class with a friend.
2. The next major factor in achieving your fitness goal is nutrition. You cannot reach your fitness goals without the ability to fuel your body with healthy and nutritious choices.
Don’t let yourself get stuck in a situation where you’re on-the-go, hunger kicks in and you have to resort to unhealthy options. I always have 2-3 healthy snack choices options in my bag at all times.
3. Finally, proper rest is not only important to our functionality and sharpness, but lack of sleep interferes with our hunger signals. Sleep deprivation can alter what’s called ghrelin levels, which stimulates appetite.
I strive to hit 8 hours of sleep 5-6 days of my week. This is an important tip for no matter where you are in your health journey!
Amanda Kostro Miller – Smart Healthy Living
The topic of weight loss is shrouded in misinformation and misguided strategies, some of which can actually cause more harm than good to your metabolism and overall health. The top three weight loss tips I give to my clients and see success with are the following:
1. Strength train!
Particularly women tend to have a fear that weight training will make them bulky, but this is absolutely not the case.
Not only is strength training fundamental for increased bone density and injury prevention, but it also raises your resting metabolic rate. This means that you’ll burn more calories all day long, even while at rest.
This might be going to the gym, but it can also be an at-home bodyweight strength workout, a video you enjoy on youtube, power yoga or pilates class.
2. Omit or greatly cut down sugar in your diet!
Avoiding refined sugar definitely packs the biggest punch when it comes to weight loss, as a diet high in sugar is well documented to cause weight gain and be a contributor to heart disease, diabetes, cancer, acne, depression and more.
More specifically, this means cutting out things like sodas, fruit juices, cakes, cookies, candy, donuts and other processed baked goods made with white flour and sugar.
3. Make sure you get a lot of fiber in your diet.
A high fiber diet fiber will support weight loss by increasing satiety (your feeling of fullness) and balancing blood sugar.
Shoot for at least half of your plate at every meal filled with non-starchy vegetables (think leafy greens, broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts and more) along with nuts, seeds, and whole grains.
Zara Celik – Amara Wellness Centre
The following are extremely successful with my patients and clients
1. Drinking filtered water before each meal and on empty stomach in the morning
Just a rule of thumb for every 20-25 kg of body weight, we all need 1L of water. For example, if you weigh 60kg, then the ideal daily water intake is 3L.
2. Mindful eating
It’s is important that we chew foods and not swallow, and eat without distractions, and to stop eating when satisfied not full
3. Avoid eating late
Your dinner should be no later than 6 pm and no heavy meals at dinner time. Fasting at night from 5pm to morning is another option too.
KJ Landis – Superior Self
My go-to list for my clients contains these 3 tips:
1. Water!
We need to consume more and more water in order to see if we are truly hungry, or if we are socially and emotionally hungry. When I lost 50 pounds 7 years ago I was adding some lemons and cucumbers to my water bottles to make them more flavorful.
Now that I exercise in a hot yoga studio, I add a pinch of pink Himalayan salt or an electrolyte powder as well. It takes about three weeks for the body to get used to consuming g a gallon of water a day.
Take it in baby steps, increments up to about a cup a day. After three weeks your body will adjust accordingly.
2. Enlist a buddy. Accountability is key.
If someone is waiting for you to work out with them or check in daily with your meal plan and activity chart, you will be more likely to stick with the program. You may even help the relationship grow closer!
3. Keep a journal.
I believe in the power of writing down our thought and feelings along the way. Each tiny success is a “yes” to you in a healthy body. It’s a life-affirming book.
Jill Healy-Quintard – Body and Balance
1. One of the biggest words of misinformation and misinterpretation is dieting. Diet infers starvation, but in order to lose weight, a diet needs to be tweaked to be something that is not dreaded.
2. Start a daily diary of food intake
Check what you eat. Most foods are not forbidden they just have to be rearranged and modified to suit the amount of energy going in to suit the energy being expended.
3. Check your daily habits/routine eg if you sit all day at a computer and you eat mainly carbohydrates and don’t move your body at some stage in the form of walking or a fitness class then you will gain weight.
Alternatively, if you sit at your desk and perhaps have a protein shake, smoothie, protein, and carbs salad and walk to and from work, school and/or do a fitness class you will lose weight without starving at the same time.
It is important to know what and when you are eating and to note it down.
Do not binge eat and later starve yourself as this will destroy a normal metabolism.
Reduce alcohol if you are trying to lose weight as that is empty kjs/cals.
Alexandra Tran – Schimiggy
Here are my three tips:
1. Cut your meals in half.
Every time you eat time, cut your meals in half. Consider eating one half for lunch then the other half for dinner. Not only are you saving money, but you’ll also cut your consumption tremendously.
2. Create a workout schedule and stick to it.
When thinking about your workout, think about quality over quantity. People believe that going to the gym X number of times is the answer when really it’s what you do when you’re at the gym.
We recommend scheduling workout days and spending no more than 1.5 hours focusing on your workout. Make it a little more intense by walking to the gym instead of driving.
3. Choose healthy ingredients when you eat.
When faced with a juicy hamburger or salad, opt for the salad. It’s healthier and better for your body. If you need that burger, opt for a protein style burger that is wrapped in lettuce instead of a dense bread bun.
If you need help with making healthy choices, download an app like Lose It! and lookup nutrition information when it comes time to decide what to eat.
Maria Gates – Organic4GreenLivings
Losing weight requires persistence, systematic work, and solid organizational skills.
1. Plan your meals in advance and monitor your calories.
Buy just the groceries you need for preparing these meals. If you choose meals that will actually fill you up, you won’t be craving snacks in between.
2. Eat low-calorie snacks
If you still want to consume snacks, opt for ones with fewer calories and trans fats. For example, you can prepare your own vegetable chips by baking potatoes or carrots in the oven with salt, paprika, and a drizzle of olive oil.
3. Drink a cup of warm water every morning.
It improves the digestive system and boosts metabolism. Water also benefits the absorption of nutrients and takes out the waste from the body.
Suzanne Culberg
Having released 78 kilograms personally, my top three tips are:
1. Take progress photos – LOADS of them!
I recommend taking 5 angles. Front, back, each side, and a headshot. Update your photos monthly.
Some months you may not notice a change on the scales but you will see a big difference in your photos, but sometimes only from one angle.
2. Food is neither good nor bad, so stop labeling it!
Instead, before eating ask yourself, “Will this food take me closer to, or further from, my goals?”
Once you’ve made the decision, eat mindfully, without distraction, and most importantly ENJOY it!
3. Schedule exercise sessions into your diary and stick to them like you would a doctor’s appointment.
I was forever planning to exercise three times per week and getting to Friday and wondering if three times in one day counted?
When I started to schedule exercise like I would any other essential appointment it got done.
Start off small, if you currently don’t exercise at all begin with 5 minutes, and work your way up from there.
Tom Biggart – EBM Fitness Solutions
The most important tip for losing weight is to be in a caloric deficit, which seems obvious. Here are 3 tips to help get you in a caloric deficit.
1. Eat slower.
We spend too much time eating while distracted. By slowing down when you eat, you will naturally start to consume less.
2. Learn how to stop eating when you are about 80% full.
This blends seamlessly with eating slower. As you eat slower, recognizing when you are getting full is much easier. 80% is comfortable and satisfied but not stuffed. These two ideas will save a bunch of calories every day without having to restrict your foods.
3. Only eat when you are actually hungry.
What the?! We eat for a lot of reasons other than hunger. Paying more attention to this and trying to eat only when you are truly hungry will help you save calories without having to white-knuckle the whole experience.
Chanelle Hayes, Gastric Sleeve Surgery
1. Preparation
To prepare for the sleeve gastrectomy, patients will have a consultation with their surgeon and will be assessed by the Tonic team, including the dietitian, psychotherapist and bariatric nurse specialists.
2. Recovery Time and Aftercare
The average post operative hospital stay from gastric sleeve surgery is one to two days, with an enhanced recovery programme.
Patients can expect to be up and walking within three hours of surgery, drinking the same day, and returning to work and normal activities within seven days.
3. How Does it Work
Gastric sleeve surgery (also known as sleeve gastrectomy) is currently the most popular weight-loss operation around the world. 75% of the stomach is permanently removed and seam-guarded, leaving a thin tube or sleeve. It works by reducing the amount of food you can eat.
The other part of the operation is removing the upper part of the stomach (the part that produces the hunger hormone, ghrelin). By removing this part of the stomach, your appetite will reduce and you will feel fuller sooner.
Thank You!
Thank you so much to all the experts that contributed to this expert roundup! If you have any questions let us know in the comments below.
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