The perfect firm butt does not exist, but you certainly make moves towards it. Many girls, myself included, dream of the day we’ll have that perky, firm and good looking round butt. Achieving this goal alone is not that hard. It just takes a few vital fitness steps and a lot of motivation to get there.
In the article below, I’m going to give you a few different ways you can get the amazing looking butt you’ve always wanted.

1. You’re Not Focusing On A Balanced Diet
A balanced diet is important in every woman’s daily life. If you’re not focusing on this, it could be a reason you’re not getting a tight, firm butt.
Having a balanced diet should be your first step when working towards a firm butt! Work on your protein, carbs, fat, and never forget fruits and vegetables. You can also take supplements that can help you get the nutrients that your meals can't provide.
2. You’re Not Balancing Out Your Exercises
Many girls make the mistake of focusing on only one fitness exercise.
In this article, I’m going to help you with a list of exercises I used to get my dream booty. Our butts have three muscles, so show them all a little love and feel the burn. (1)
3. You Have Set Your Expectations Too High
A common mistake many of us make is comparing ourselves to social media stars and Instagram models. These are often pretty unrealistic aspirations as everyone’s body reacts differently.
Every person’s body is beautiful, especially yours.
3 Types Of Workouts To Get The Butt You Want
You’ve been trying hard to get a tight, firm butt and it doesn’t seem to be working. You’ve been doing the same workouts over, and over, with no change.
Remember what I said earlier? Your butt has three core muscles so here are some exercises for you to try that I use to show some love to them all.
1. The Squat
The Squat. My personal favorite, easy workout challenge.
Stand-level, with your feet shoulder-width apart and push your weight onto your heels. Squat down as far as you can and extend your arms in front of you.
Do this while keeping stable on your feet and your shoulders level. 10-15 of these in sets should be a good starting point!
You can also watch video tutorials on Youtube to learn more squat variations. It's good to try different types of these exercises for a change!

2. Dumbbell Squats

The dumbbell squats are a strong workout that I always try to keep in my workouts, this one, of course, involves lifting weights.
Stand level with your feet around shoulder-width apart and the dumbbells (8-10 pounds) at your side.
Squat down as if you’re going to sit down on a stool and place your weight on your heels. Tense your glutes as you slowly come back up to the start position.
This may hurt at the beginning but super worth it in the end!
3. Explosive Lunges
The Explosive Lunges might sound intimidating, but they aren’t as hard as they sound. They are going to help you, as they helped me, achieve the booty you want!
Stand with your hands on your hips, feet together and then lunge forward with the leg of your choosing, bending your leg at 90 degrees. Quickly jump back up and switch legs (try to do this when in the air) and land with the other leg in a forward lunge.
Alternate between these for 1-2 minutes, you’ll feel a good burn. You can also watch this video where Youtuber Susana Yábar teaches how to do explosive lunges properly.

To Eat Or Not To Eat: Dietary Tips To Tone Your Firm Butt

Start by putting more fat into your diet, and no, I don’t mean a McDonald’s Big Mac, sorry. Focus on healthy fats such as:
It’s also important to keep protein in your diet, protein promotes muscle growth by acting as a fuel for your muscles and keeping your metabolism at a healthy high level. (2) Add some lean types of protein into your diet, such as:
Our muscles store energy through glucose. (3) A good way to keep energy stored to a healthy level during a workout is including whole grains and complex carbohydrates in your diet. These may be:
Through diet and exercise, it is absolutely possible to build up the gigantic, round, and eye-catching big butt of your dreams!
Rebecca Jane Stokes
Fellow Blogger

1. How to get a toned bum?
2. Can I get a bigger bum in a week?
3. What is the best exercise to get a tight butt?
4. How many squats a day should I do to get a bigger booty?
Ready for the 2-Week Butt Challenge?

So now you know that getting the perky, firm butt that you want isn’t as hard as you thought. Now, it’s up to you to keep motivated and use the advice that I once gave myself, to help get a more toned butt in as little as 2 weeks.
Remember to vary your exercises and balance that healthy diet. Don’t give in to temptation. No chips, processed burgers or other fatty snacks. And most of all, good luck!
Let me know of your experience in the comments sections. Feel free to share other butt workouts and diet tips that worked for you!
1. Adel Elzanie; Judith Borger, Anatomy, Bony Pelvis and Lower Limb, Gluteus Maximus Muscle, retrieved from
2. Tipton KD, Wolfe RR., Exercise, protein metabolism, and muscle growth, retrieved from
3. Chris Sherwood, How Does Glucose Provide Energy?, retrieved from