The Lose The Last 10 Pounds Workout |
The Lose-the-Last-10-Pounds Workout
Part 1, week 1-4
So you are wondering “how to lose the last 10 pounds”?
We all know that those last 5, 10, 20 stubborn pounds can be the hardest to get rid of! This 8-week workout program from “The Women’s Health Big Book of Exercises” is designed to help you finally shed those last few hard-to-lose pounds for good while getting in tip-top shape! Make sure you combine these workouts routines with a healthy and clean diet& you’ll be on your way to reaching your ideal weight sooner than you think!
How to Lose the Last 10 Pounds: Workout Breakdown
Do the weight Workout 3 days a week, resting at least a day between each session
Do the Cardio Workout immediately after each Weight Workout
Prior to each workout, do the warmup
For each exercise in which you raise and lower a weight, take 2 seconds to lower the weight or your body, pause in the down position, and then take 2 seconds to lift the weight, keeping tension in your muscles the entire time.
The exercises are to be performed as part of a group. Instead of completing all sets of an exercise at once, do only one set (ex.1A), rest for the prescribed amount of time, then move to the next exercise (ex. 1B), continue in this matter until you complete all of the exercises listed. Once you are done doing your first set, repeat 2 more that you reach 3 full sets.
If any of the given exercises are too hard, feel free to substitute the variation of the movement that allows you to perform the prescribed number of reps.
Let’s get started, shall we?
(see the PDF file above for complete Exercise Index/Description)
*For the overhead triceps stretch, perform as directed; only hold the stretch for just 1 second, and release. Then repeat with your other arm. That’s one rep.
*If the plank or side plank is too hard, try the modified version instead (bending your knees to the floor).
You can perform this workout on a treadmill, stationary bike, or outside on the sidewalk. Before each workout, warm up for 5 minutes by walking or cycling. The workout is divided into three parts:
Part 1: Exercise for 5 minutes at an intensity that’s about 75 percent of your best effort.
Part 2: Exercise for 2 minutes at an intensity that’s about 85 percent of your best effort.
Part 3: Exercise for 3 minutes at an intensity that’s about 65 percent of your best effort.
Perform each part in succession without stopping to rest. Once you’ve completed each part one time, start over again with Part 1. Repeat the entire process two times, so that you’ve done each part of the workout three times. On your final round, add an extra 5 minutes to Part 3. That is, instead of going for 3 minutes, go for 8 minutes.
Done with week 1-4? Keep going with Part 2 of “The Lose the Last 10 Pounds” Workout Program!
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Isabella is the founder of My Fit Station. Her mission is to spread a healthy, balanced and FUN approach to mind/body health & fitness, one that encourages growth, empowerment and a lavish dose of self-loving. Find out more about me here.