Every client who comes to me always seeks help with one of these two issues — fat loss and stretch marks on inner thighs. The latter comes up more often in conversations with clients.
Without a doubt, for us women, stretch marks are both frustrating and — unfortunately — unavoidable. This is especially true for stretch marks on the inner thighs, buttocks, and abdomen.
The numbers prove this. According to the latest statistics on this skin condition, stretch marks, collectively known as striae:
- Occur in up to 88% of pregnant women
- Are present in up to 86% of post-pubescents
- Are nearly 50% more likely to develop in obese people
So, we know that stretch marks are common, but what causes them? Read on to find out.
Why Do Stretch Marks Occur?
Stretch marks often appear as line-like indentations on the skin. These are often depressions in the skin. But, in some cases like striae albae, these marks are on the same level as the visible part of your skin.
It might appear that stretch marks begin at the visible part of your skin or the epidermis. On the contrary, stretch marks are a sign of what goes on underneath. Underneath the skin is the dermis where most of the skin’s connective tissue and fibers are.
The dermis is where a lot of your skin’s nutrients and supportive tissues lie. Also contained in the dermis are fibers and proteins that allow the skin to heal and — most importantly — stretch.
Any damage to these proteins and structures will reduce the skin’s ability to stretch. Often, the damage happens when collagen is either altered or reduced. The reduction of collagen will reduce the skin’s ability to stretch and bend, and return to its original integrity.
According to Web MD, low collagen will cause any prolonged stretching of the dermis to cause scarring. The scars show up on the surface as the stretch marks we all dread.
Why on the Inner Thighs, Buttocks, and Abdomen?
So, we know that stretch marks can form anywhere on the body. As mentioned earlier, wherever there is skin, stretch marks can appear if there is prolonged stretching and a lack of collagen.
Of the many parts of the body where stretch marks can appear, why are the most common sites the inner thighs, abdomen, and buttocks?
To date, there are various explanations. However, we just need to recall that these happen to be areas where stretching tends to happen. These are also parts of the body where a lot of fat tends to be stored.
During weight gain, the thighs, lower abdominal region, and buttocks tend to expand. The expansions in these areas can be due to water retention, or in most cases, fat. For women, these are the main areas we gain fat because of our estrogen levels.
As these areas expand, the epidermis over these parts of the skin stretch. As a result, stretch marks form.
Should You See a Doctor for Stretch Marks on Inner Thighs, Abdomen, and Buttocks?
The signs and symptoms of stretch marks hardly differ from one person to another. For the most part, the differences will be in the color. Some skin depressions will be dark. Others will be white. Some even take on a dark gray or purplish hue.
Regardless of the signs and symptoms of stretch marks on inner thighs, buttocks, and abdomen, seeing a doctor really comes down to personal preference. Stretch marks are not life-threatening.
They can easily be managed by a dermatologist. You can also prevent and treat them yourself.
Wrapping Up: The Cause of Stretch Marks on Inner Thighs, Abdomen, and Buttocks Lies Skin-Deep.
Damage to the dermis occurs as a result of prolonged stretching. When this happens in the absence of collagen, stretch marks form.
Unsightly as they may be, stretch marks are harmless. With some prevention and self-management, you’ll be able to restore the condition of your skin.